Try to get them to blend better, choose less contrasting colors.
Xyyy, help me clear the ppc of newfrogs. It's not coool bro!
Well herp a derp, I've made a grand total of like, 10 sigs in the last 4 months. Of course I'm loosing my touch. Hell, I no longer have a touch.
Woah, really love the transitions. Great piece, bro.
Did you follow Miraj's disintegration tutorial? It's pretty good rendition, and I like you effects. Colors are abit off.
Lighting is overpowered, needs to be displaced off her face. Text, can't read it, and nice splatter brushes.
I guess I wouldn't consider this release worthy so much, it's a WIP imo. You really could have done more. Text, some effects. Only you have meh...
You have reach?
Tyrannasuarus Tex. :D
YouTube - deadmau5 - Slip (Sebastien Leger Remix)
I'm headed to my xbox area today <3 friday
That's cuz taters and I were done ftmp and I was getting off.
Hes a busy man, but were lovers, so he makes time. :3
talking t sea vegteble abouts that now.