: Halo 3 File Details Map you remade:Wizard Number of players:2-8 Recommended three (3) Gametypes:Slayer, CTF, KOTH...
Map Name: Middy Map you remade:Midship Number of players: 2-8...
This map looks and plays really well. My only suggestion would be to reconsider haveing both plasma and spike grenades. Good job.
that would be cool but I ran out of money.
Carbine base originaly had more cover. I had to modify it and several other areas for budget sake. I had thought about not posting this map...
I didn't think four needlers would work as well. You can't dual wield them in Halo 3. The SMG's seemed like a better choice to me. I did leave the...
Sorry about the link. It should be working now. I will upload a couple more pics soon
MAP Middy Created by XxMrMojoRisinxX Supported Gametypes: Supports all gametypes Map Description Yeah, I know another remake. Thought some of...
Try switching through every game type and make sure you don't have any spawn areas still on the map.
This map is a lot more Wizard than Warlock. The original didn't have the bottom mid tunnel. Really only the weapons, Camo location and some of the...
I would replace the rockets with a laser. In H2 the rockets were the main anti vehical weapon. I played a small FFA on it last night. I thought it...
You know I think I might replace the blocks with lifts. I personly think it plays very well without them. When I first tried useing the lifts on...
I might play around with the lifts a bit more.
Hey thanks, I'm really glad you liked it.
Thanks for the feedback, I added a few more pics. I think this map is about 80% Wizzard, 15% Warlock and 5% unique. I tried using lifts but it...
I think the gravity lifts are inconsistant. The blocks seem to be the best all around solution. Wizzard used ladders and of coarse Warlock had...
Wizlock Created by xxMrMojoRisinxx Supported Gametypes: Slayer Team Slayer CTF KOTH Oddball Map Description Remake of Wizard / Warlock. Center...
Hey thanks for the feedback everyone. haruki, I think you're right about the sniper rifle. I've been debating on removing it for awhile. So far it...
Map links and photos are now fixed. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.
Veritas v1 Created by xXmrmojorisinXx Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF Map Description This is a small symmetrical map with...