sup blaze, hey u think me and u could forge sometime?
1st but good map
nicely done
yo do u no how to get a acheivement sign???
how do u get a acheivment sign???
how do u get a acheivment sign????
like i said go to and look up SAMURAI IV and look at hi res pics and they are there
kevlar respond
well every one who dont have the pictures go to and go to people finder and look up SAMURAI IV and look at hi res pics and look at the...
kevlar this is samurai iv
ya it is samurai kev lol :cqb: it is now TAS MANGREENE k kevlar i was giving them a teaser for u but i credited you for the idea
yeah it is kevlar so add TAS MEANGREENE and for ppl who dont know the creator was samurai iv i credit xkevlar for the idea he will be posting 1...
hmm? well i dont know wat to do about that srry?
yes it is playable with multiple players-the zombies must get the humans when the humans fall off or through the stepping stones so if u fall u r...
hey dude could i be a tester plz man?
well ty i rly appreciate it dude
hey ty for giving me a good response to stepping stones
ok ill work on that but still i fixed the links the gametype and map links are now wroking
so do u like stepping stones?
ok ppl sorry for all the asking and ranting i did but the map is now completely fixed!! wootness