QFT, matchmaking is so stupid. All of my friends are obsessed with their ranks in matchmaking and I always try to get them to play custom games,...
I don't really care about size, as long as they aren't ridiculously big. I have an old 1st gen nano with a broken click wheel, but I think I'm...
Then the sword would be pointless... I guess the gravity hammer would work best since you can't lunge with it and I think people would still be...
There is actually a hack in which you can use your Zune as a portable hard drive. I actually love the way it functions, it's a lot different from...
OK, it'll take me a while thought, stupid school work.
Yea, but once you get to lvl 55 and realize that prestige is a waste of time, it gets really boring. That's what happened to me.
You could stack bridges up. That's what I do, it's a lot easier since they are immovable.
No thanks.
All right, I might work on it sometime this week if I have any time. The only problem I foresee is having trouble completely concealing the map so...
I think a recreation of Scouts Knives from CS would be awesome. I'm sure it's doable on foundry. The Sniper Rifle and Sword could be the starting...
I'm sure you could remake Shipment. Just slap a couple of double boxes in a 20yd X 20yd boxed area and you're done.
Yea, the new update kicks ass. I love being able to see what people on my friends list listen too. There's this one guy that listens to like...
Who has a Zune? I bought the Halo 3 special edition one about 4 months ago and I love it. I'd seriously take it over any iPod (yes, even the...
Just name it something awesome like "WERMZ!?!?!"
Ugh, the ninja rope pretty much ruins Worms. My friend and I play Worms on XBL all the time. It's probably the greatest strategy game evar.
It would be great, but I highly doubt it's possible. Too bad the concept of immovable scenery caught on so late.
Yea, I just saw it. I got tired of COD4 about a month ago. As far as matchmaking goes, I'd say it's better than Halo, but Halo is much more fun...
Or it could be the prowler...
No, it just sucks. The spawns are terrible, there are too many grav lifts, and the flow of the map sucks.
I loved it, my friends and I use to play it all the time right at launch since it was that and COD2. I remember how I freaked out the first time...