I use CS2 too, CS3 is really nothing more than an updated UI and a little more "noob friendly." But yea Photoshop rules balls.
I don't care, I'll even supply you with pics if I ever get done with my home work...
My friend and I made the perfect tower on Standoff last week. I basically stacked as many open doubles vertically on each other as possible, then...
Re: Bomb the Pentagon! Yea, you might wanna change the name, buddy. It might be a fun game, but I'm sure our government frowns on the fact that...
Yea, the AI definitely needs some work, I actually use Garrius quite a bit. My normal party would consist of him and Ashley. Since my guy was a...
If you call clan support a 3 letter pre-fix in front of your name, then yes.
I don't mind supporting companies at all, it's just ridiculous to pay hundreds of dollars for something when you can get it for free. You,...
I've played UT II some. I really don't like it, just because I'm not into the whole "let's fly around the map at eleventy billion miles per hour...
They actually started using grav lifts in Halo 2 instead of ladders because it make the gameplay much more smooth. Take Warlock for example, on...
I thought Bad Company wasn't supposed to come out till the end of the year? I'm pretty sure I'll get this game. Vegas 1 was tons of fun, and it...
Exactly, once you get the Specter weapons and max your weapon level, you basically rape every thing.
They're making 2 more, so I wouldn't really be worried about the story line being short. They also said that they are going to release DLC...
I use Photoshop CS2 right now, as my friend puts it "Photoshop is basically the second Jesus." I can't stand CS3. It's at some computers at my...
Yea, I've heard it was good. Any one ever read "Animal Farm?" I picked it up last week because the Pink Floyd album "Animals" is based off it and...
Or... Scarabs on Sand Trap since the Elephant is probably the most ineffective vehicle in the game. Seriously, it would be so much cooler if the...
I agree, it's like Bungie tried to make it hard as possible to make stuff on Foundry. I think it'd be awesome to have an option to turn invisible...
So yea, it's like Oprah's book club, but it's forge hub's. I generally hate books, but I like maybe 6. Any one read the Halo books? I've read...
The iTouch is more like a PDA than an MP3 player, so it doesn't count.
Meh, I don't really like shipment. It's really only fun with 2 people, it gets ridiculous after that. Don't think you'd have too much trouble...
Yea, but then sniping would be too dominant, plus i just don't think it would work that well.