looks alot better than another one i found, i'll try it out
i wanted to add it in one of my movies, but i can't cause its not on ur fileshare :(
Srlsy, this would be a great addition to forgehub over head maps with locations of starting territories maps of where the spawn areas are cause i...
what does the map resemble what were the influences, etc if it's a remake of something, break up the word, and find synonyms for each word that...
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v637/mattgaming/?action=view¤t=l_8422175ac30dc0a3c833edb076f5fc82.jpg that is one awesome map XD but...
its very easy, i made one kill me, very fun
happened on foundry, it was so weird, i just shoved it into place, and suddenly it just fell, it was soooo odd
happened on the beaver creek 2.0 map i downloaded
not reading rest of posts so sorry if its been said but I tryed this as soon as the maps came out I got it to work I put it on a wall, and had the...
i was somehow able to place a double box with 3$ i think, but i couldn't post anything that was actually 3$
It seems to happen with weapons that fall to far all the time also
It doesn't have over 100 downloads, but i'm sure it will be worth your time http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15600859
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkEKdZ5hNDE Defence(Yes it's spelled wrong, it makes it original) Protect your base from 2 fronts in an all out...