A bustling docking bay in East Mombasa is about to meet its end through violent uprising. On this map you're either the traitors or the...
I made the map using some ideas i wanted to try, i filled empty spaces with new ideas, the whole time i was making it i was figuring "what would...
its all one map, in fact, half of the map (sniper to sniper) is accessible by jumping a certain way
For most gametypes infection slayer CTF KOTH Odd ball Piles of dumpsters catwalks and mazes of boxes the test subjects have done well with the...
I noticed it did stuff like that, my friend was invible and he thought i screen cheated, but the eye had looked at him, i'm gonna download later
I'm getting started Monday, maybe Sunday night if i feel up to it after work, but i really want this idea to succeed, it is an original idea, i...
thing is, it won't let zombie spawn with plasma rifles, and won't let humans spawn with carbines -.- and i want it to be lazers like in starwars...
AH forgot to mention that i took it off, thank you for reminding me
The rebels have carbines and the storm troopers have plasma rifles (cause stormtroopers always miss alot of shots, lol) The door opens letting...
I may not have interlocked the boxes, but if you played the map you'd see that fence walls are inside boxes, and the teleporter door uses...
cookie time, yeah, i mean, he needs something to light it with
the teleporter is two way so that i can make any additions needed out there, but who would wanna go out there, you couldn't get past the stairs...
one shot with point blank shotgun or rockets, otherwise, no
well if I ever feel like taking another 6 hours to redo it i'll go ahead, and it'll probably take longer cause all the errors i had to fix the...
- 75% gravity 110% speed and i changed the forced color to "zombie" rather then black, otherwise its default -thank you, i work fairly hard on...
what exactly do you mean by "height"? cause i don't think i could do much else to it, I am also out of money on it so... but thanks for the review...
When push comes to shove, save yourself. I spent 6 hours at least making this map perfect. I have not tested with more than 6 people, so I'd be...
the gametype is KOTH cause I used the idea someone had with a hill around you map that greatly reduces score when outside the map, to keep people...
I want it D:
Warship Created by Cryms0n N1t3 with slight help from Carryout killer [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer(suggested Warship slayer gametype) [br] Map...