thx i really appriciate the reviews
my new updated map has a fixed middle but its stills the same link and name
if the link at the top dont work just use the one in my signiture
its really fun for mlg i just played it
it looks sloppy, pretty incoherint, and way to open 2/5 NEEDS WORK!
its not very open at all
whitehalo, ill get rite on those changes, when i first had the bridges fliped the other way i couldnt get them to stop flashing thats the only...
thx for the comments i need people to download and play so i know how you feel about that, i want to know if it would make a good matchmaking...
Constriction-updated ]DOWNLOAD HERE-http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=26891470&viewreplies=true#end Discription: My latest map,...
god i hate those people who try and break out ur map a msg u telling u bout it, what a huge waste of time, why would anyone try to get out during...
thx its really fun and btw the name in the thread is the link.
thers a trick to the man cannons in this map, if u straight up walk into them u hit the ceiling and end u in the center, i u jum and land on the...
i wouldn't call it casual though its competitive and thats why i use it to warm up and to improve my sniping+ it would be a great varient for...
i agree 100% it is pretty bare but thats why its my favorite sniper/shotty-sniper map, if i added more stuff it would be a better slayer map i...
ConstrictedDiscription: It is a basic but effective map that you will play over and over to hone in your sniping skills. Constricted is my...
what i say to the grenade jump comment is, why? what could u possibly gain by jumping out, being completely out of the game... that would be so...
yes, i was going for a battle/ beaver remake to some degree. ie-2 close bases, back-n-forth teles from side to side, 3 lvl bases,camo in "cave"...
icture are now imbedded 8 )
My latest verson of Warzone, is now Supports CTF as well as FFA Slayer and Team Slayer. Close to Mid-Range Combat 4-10 Players BR Starts Warzone...