The "Christian" Life The message you quoted was written by someone with a misunderstanding. Believing something that can put analogized to...
It can't vanish, because it is outside of time, time is a measure of change and if he is outside, he would never change. Ending existence is...
Crude insults? I think you posted on the wrong profile.
I can conceptualize him. He is the source of all good things that are, and that are not. (This means he has all good characteristics that exist,...
A square circle...really? You can say "new color" too but it doesn't refute my example...Please this is a debate forum. Saying "I'm right your...
Sped Teachers I pity. I swear I pity Sped teachers... Anyway, I JUST EXPLAINED THAT! Adam and Eve knew of sin now because Satan tempted them....
Your .001 and .001 and on example is kind of well, wrong... If something is infinite that means it has a beginning but no end, which Ameoba...
About Evolution... About evolution, how does it explain the existence of God as a concept? Something non-existent (God (you say)) cannot start...
A concept About evolution, how does it explain the existence of God as a concept? Something non-existent (God (you say)) cannot start existing in...
Thank you for the friend request, and for the advice. But I am not susceptible to any other religion or atheism or anything else that is...
Universe is NOT Eternal The reason is because time, matter, and space are finite. Time is finite because something has occurred. If any...
In that last paragraph you stated a philosophy that is completely un-Christian, and preceding that you said you were Catholic, how many times did...
Who disproved the Christian Genesis? Talk to me, this should be funny.
If my avatar offends you, don't look at it.
I'd gladly be your "forge mate"
Really it all depends on morals. If children are taught correctly about what is right and wrong the y will react correspondingly to violent...
My avatar offends you? Someone coming down to earth resisting sin for all of life, and dying for you offends you? You are disturbed, in horrible ways.
About Time being finite, in the beginning of my argument I thought I made it clear that if anything occurs it could not have been preceded by an...
I corrected the misunderstanding there. Wow, my argument is more developed though.
Sorry, missunderstanding Infinity IS a concept, that is my point. Many believe time has always existed, infinity, what I did is show it cannot...