What does my avatar have anything to do with my ability to debate?
Well, starting with your criticisms of the story of the Great Flood... There is evidence (not proof; that's a different word) of the flood. A...
I study the Bible more than most... (but I'm not bragging, it still doesn't mean much, being above the majority in that category) The tradition...
The gifts are a tradition, based on John 3:16. It started on the philosophy of, "God gave us His only son, let's show our thanks by giving to the...
You're getting personal. Not cool. REGARDLESS of whether or not the religion is true (which isn't the topic), the meaning was lost. The donkey...
Are you saying Christians stole and jacked up a holiday from Paganism?
That was cold. So, so cold. Christians created Christmas long ago as celebration of Jesus' birth. That is what it is. Anything else is not...
No, murder is the spilling on innocent blood. So giving the death sentence to someone who DID spill innocent blood is NOT murder.
It's not his birth from a virgin that Christmas celebrates, it's celebrating John 3:16. God gave us his only son. What's not to celebrate. I see...
what is lockerz? 4th warning? What are talking about? but I'm glad you like it.
This is a PSA, public service announcement, where West (first grey guy) will educate, or TRY to educate you on advertisements, prior to his...
NO, it is not. It is NOT a command. It is saying "Hey, guess what? This really nice guy died so you can go to heaven." How is this guilt? I...
This time of year holds a lot of Holidays, and it really isn't a debate much. We call the time of year "The Holidays" because it contains holidays...
The "longer version" of my avatar statement is jacked up... Regardless of the truth, how I and Christians believe determines the meaning of our...
Wow, I come back to find all of you still arguing. Hmm, maybe it's time to rethink your debate strategy? Make it more fair? To debate, you need a...
The cell phone wasn't an analogy, it was to show that while information may have a medium, it doesn't need physical material. Try faxing instead...
Well, if DNA is isn't a code, then what do you see DNA as?
1. You're not understanding the point. This is different from that argument. Taking a suggestion, coding is what I mean as information. CODING...
Recently I read a book by Stephen Meyer; it featured an argument for intelligent design that I had never heard before, which I will now relay to...