You gave my girlfriend a good laugh, so uh, thanks for that. Anyway, no, I wouldn't thank God for the experience, I'd thank him that I'm still...
Well, yes that was my response, but your query you stated above was answered by me, then you said it didn't make sense, and the lower paragraph in...
No, really it did. You said "how would the abolition of evil be?" asking how it is NOT a negation of free will. The abolition of evil, in the...
Alright, I used a cursing acronym, big deal? "bs" isn't enough to turn people off...
You're here! YEESSS! ...In Nitrous's and Rabid's face. You're gonna own.
Nobody ever said it was, and no, it is not inherited knowledge, that's called instinct, yet still, nobody ever said it was. I'm not seeing the...
You're here! =)
Huh? Who said my name? I knew THAT verse was quoted, but he said something equivalent to: "your Bible says God exudes (or some other funky word)...
The specific situation was, and, in response, I say I believe in the age accountability (not set, but varying according to when a person, if ever,...
I was responding to your first argument; when you asked why he had to give us the choice to sin at all. NOT your second one, if you just got it...
Forge Hub - View Profile: RadiantRain
Saw your post on RadiantRain....way to generalize...
That video was....I'm ashamed of these people.... Second... The Bible tells us that God put a curse on the earth as a punishment to Adam's sin,...
Listen, Theists don't group together in this debate like Atheists do. Atheism is one division, lacking belief in God, but if you are a Theist, you...
It does. You stated yourself that we have to choose between provided choices and possibilities in our decisions. Love has to be given freely....
Me putting your wuote in my signature was supposed to be a NICE gesture, but if you want to be a **** about it, tell me and I'll remove it,...
No, you said "but" after you said your Christian, as if being Swedish counters your religious views.
I do not expect my responses to suffice for you to become a theist; however I CAN show you how these arguments do not affect me. My responses are...
What you said was so stupid and hilarious that it earned itself a spot in my signature.
Hey, if someone can disprove God to me, I'll gladly go atheist, I just don't see that happening. Atheists say "If you can prove God to me, I'll...