We have another one coming out in about 4-10 weeks.
We are a very very LEGIT clan. We do all of our glitches as a team and the reason the name of this montage is Steal this Montage is becuase the...
..::Triqz R4 Glitch3rs::.. Well we are back! I present to you glitchamanjaro's first halo 3 video in over a year. Most of these tricks were...
Who R U?? -MiKey?
Glitchamanjaro presents out of Sandbox http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4BdjmBEGag AND THE LASERS DIDN'T SHOT ONCE This is without- Mods...
GT-Xbl MiKeY Proof-http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gameid=1009789953&player=XbL%20MiKeY
Hello Everyone at Forgehub Im Mikey and i would like to post our new map called and my freinds and I have been working on this map for...
Heyy im mikey i like to play mlg but im getting into forging. xThe MLG Mikeyx
Very Nice guys hopefully bungie actucllt makes them
Really cool Sreeny took in campaign Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer Rate 5/5 plzzz and Comment!!!! Dload and recommend to freidnds