Alright I'm putting on another picture If you really, really need it...
wow thanks that helps alot man!!!!!!!!!!!
eh.. heh heh you're crazy but thanks...I hope you have a good time playing it.
I like the whole idea but I'd like to know how many players are recommended to play at once. I just dl and it was awesome. I did a 1on1 wit my...
Looks cool I will give it a download and tell you what I think of it later. Wow this is cool I just played with my friends and they loved it. 4/5
Maybe if you'd read the information on the map you'd realize I said don't give me **** about not having enough screenshots. And you obviously...
Eh heh heh... This map is terrible. You didn't even interlock. And what's the point of the soccer balls? The idea isn't even good. Go to forging...
NEW AND IMPROVED DIRT!!! Weapons inside designated area: Only the ones you spawn with. Vehicles inside designated area: 6 mongooses. The humans...
Melee is so annoying. Most noobs just go around with a rocket and a shotgun and end up getting tons of kills and when you challenge them to a 1 on...
The map is amateur and the game-play kind of sucks... Your interlocking and sense of what a boat looks like is bad. For forging skills I give it a...
WOW! I never expected an Idea as awesome and complex as this one. AWESOME job. I played it with my friends and it was so much fun. for the forging...
Yeah and if it REALLY REALLY annoys you to the verge of death, then just quit! You don't have to play with little kids if you don't want...
The gameplay is great but the map looks sloppy: screenshot number 3 just shows of the uneven cornerwalls and boxes. for the Idea I give it a 4.5...
I would probably put this in technical maps because it's not really athsetic (really beautiful well made map). But the idea is great. I give it a...
Well, I think I am going to make a v2. I'm just going to add some decorations and make the links to the game-type and map more accurate and less...
Yeah, you shouldn't be talking. How long was your post? 17 words? If you do that you can get banned you know... Also, you didn't even rate the map...
Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it. Also, yeah it is a good way to kill the "camping bitches" lol...
When you reply, you should add a little more length to your post. I mean you can't just go around boosting your rank and saying: wow this map is...
Wow, I don't know what to say... This map is just amazing. It's so fun unlike some other race tracks that barely fit 2 people neck and neck. For...
GREAT idea. The interlocking is great and the geomerged teleporter is awesome. Overall I rate the game-play a an 8.5/10 because it's easy to run...