This is real, no joke. It's basically RISK with a Halo Wars theme. It sounds good, although I've never played RISK in my life. Good for the...
So, here I am, 11:00PM (GMT+10), bored as hell. As I'm typing, the little light bulb above my head sparks on - fashion. Then I go, THAT'S ****ING...
So here I am, forging on Sandbox. Blablabla. Get bored, log on to my computer and start surfing through this little website called forgehub where...
Yeah. My first ever graphic thingy. Not a sig. It was a pretty simple blend, and I thought it turned out awsum. I tried to maintain that...
So yeah, there I was, playing GTA4. I saw one of my friends playing COD:WaW, so I sent him a voice message to invite me. I slap in the disc, and...
This thread is for the weird or cool things you saw in the Halo 3: ODST trailer(s), or articles you may have read. I put a lot of thought into...
I just watched Star Wars: Episode 3 on MTV a couple hours ago. Inspired, I began my little "story mode" in which I create a story out of something...
(How-to/process coming soon) INTRO/PROLOGUE Lots of people have been posting maps in which the main feature is a colossal starship, complete with...
Some more scarab pics. I was planning on posting my attempt at using effects, but I couldn't find them through halo screen shots. Tell me what you...
I, personally, as a dumbass an avid forger, would love the elephant as a forge item. Just imagine the possibilities! Also, there should be a...
With all those stolen map threads going on, I decided to make a thread about it! Report your map theft here! If you see someone claiming a map is...
Some pics I took recently with my shiny new Security armor <3 This all happened on Sandbox and I wasn't really trying (it was all on accident),...
Okay, so recently I watched Serenity on the SciFi channel, and I thought that the Firefly looked awesome, and recently I've been wanting a make of...
So, I was at the mall Sunday, trying my best not to be seen by anyone I know from school, and sneaked into gamestop, went up to the cashier, and...
Now, with this thread out, I decided to make a COD:World at War version, mainly because I just played a few games. I think there was already a...
So...I double clicked on the firefox icon today, and by default, the pages were set to go to ForgeHub, Myspace, and Youtube. Now, Myspace doesn't...
Gaming music - I'm pretty sure most of you gamers out there listen to music while gaming, and some people say it helps them get warmed/pumped up,...
So I opened up Firefox, and my homepage was myspace, youtube, and of course, forgehub. I exited myspace, as I didn't have time to read all my...
So, my teacher was out today, and his student teacher left earlier, so the substitute showed us this video our teacher wanted us to see. It's...
1000 gamerscore. Countless dead bodies littering the floor. Where's my damn security helmet?