Wow... They have a website for it? That's awesome... makes it so much easier :) E: Also, why in custom games and not forge?
Me and my friends were screwing around on sandbox cause we were bored as hell... We made our own "Bases" (One of my friends got obsesed with "The...
I still give this a 4/5 cause in the passenger seat it really sucks :\ You can barley see ANYTHING and its hard as hell to aim
I really do think that bungie should make every map in the map pack "Forgable" Cause this map looks very good for infection and puzzles.
I accidently denly deleted the map XD i ment to delete something else but i did'nt realize it.
W00T! I found out something I never knew before lol. Hint for people who need help (mine is better than his :P) "Be fast to find something that...
I wad forging on the map to see if i can figure it out but the only way to get to the sky bubble is in forge like every1 said ?
Hmm There has to be something with this grav lift cause you deleted everything BUT that. :\ E: you mind joining my game to help me out a bit? lol
Wow... really guys????!!! I JUST played it and i realized that he pretty much re-made the bottom part I'll just say this... "Look at the bases......
Yes this does looks like it needs more puzzles...
I don't think that your supossed to do that! Err once I go on today I will take a look at it and see what to do k? There has to be some other way.
Good Idea but yea... It only shows up in forge. But what I THINK you can do is put another teleport directy in the same spot of the one in forge...
Looks pretty good, I'd ask for a bit more screenshots but I don't want you to give it away. I'm DLing now & I'll play it tomorrow or the day after...
Looks very fun! From the screenshots I'd give this a 4/5 :) DL from me for sure :)
Yea, To me the hardest puzzle map i played was re on carnation v2 (I still never beat it :\)
Looks pretty easy if you ask me :\ But pretty good map for an orbital puzzle map. I give you credit for that cause theres not much you can do on...
I tryed making this yesterday on vahalla... Did'nt work out so good lol
:\ Please don't steal it. For real... You have no F'in idea how pissed off i get when people steal my stuff. E: how do you get out vahalla? lmao
Can't you just make spawn points out of the map but make a platform out of crates and mae them float with recievers?
Which map has the deepest water? E: third bar :D)