Thank you to all of you. Yea, I do want to make something really good. I don't want it to suck. I'll try the method of starting from a small...
What do you do personally? like, do YOU do what you just said? or ur saying tht to help me?
I've always tried to make a very good map with forge. Have had great ideas, but had no idea how to do it, or even start. Even in halo 3's forge, I...
My good sir, You got just PwNeD! Anyway, about the map pack, Its awesome. I would give it a 5/5 :)
Why does everyone think They are ging to be re-makes? Why can't bungie just make their OWN maps instead of re-making their OLD ones
I think that if they are going to make a re-make, It should be blood gulch... Other than that, NO MORE RE-MAKES! (thats just my opinion I wnat to...
I say we stop suggetsing stuff here and email bungie, If we get to them enough they might consider it :)
Where are you finding news about the new ones? I want to read it :)
I need help with some maps I am making and I need someone to help me with them. I CAN Merge/Interlock (I just can't GEOmerge) I am very good at...
I don't think that this is too bad, I like it. You should finsh it (by adding the street and stuff if you can) and make it playable
Thats does'nt seem like a bad idea with the missle pod... Only thing is that its not AS strong as a rocket and is not that accurate
I've seen this kind of gametype before, It's called termite on floor boards T7
OMG these maps are SO awesome! Fix the link dude... I -Blam!- HATE fourm links... acually give a link to your FILESHARE
It's not my map lol i just gave out ideas
ok thx I'll hope to see you tomorrow? or maybe the day after that?
Oh yea stevey101 i added your Gmaertag but you did'nt accept it yet :'( I would love to help you and test it with you :) (i'm NOT saying that to...
Yes cause I DID'NT STEAL IT and you NOW realize that... THAT's why your stopping...
i know i know! lol this is in asthestic for just that reason... Maybe you can just have fun on here, not competitive tho. know what I mean?...
If its below the skybubble then they can just jump off :( Unless you lower their gravifty ALOT and then put teles around the platform (if you...
ok i'll try but when people ocuse me of stuff i did'nt do i get REALLY MAD I'll edit my posts now