Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Bungie Link: Here A cool picture of two guys going off of a Grav Lift with the nice Ghost Town sun in the...
Ride 'em Cowboy Bungie Link:Here Funny screenshot I saw while I was browsing for screenshots. I never even published this before this post yet...
Well basically I want to discuss about MMOs, which ones do you like, which ones are on top, new MMOs. I understand that this thread will be a...
[img][img]Guarana[img] Download Guarana Author: TXGhost Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, FFA Oddball, FFA KoTH Guarana, you can find this in most...
Ghost Golf: Water Hazard Fun For the Whole Family Download Ghost Golf Welcome to the newly opened golf course, Ghost Golf. Here you can enjoy a...
Ghost Games Inc. needs a cool logo/banner. Look in the affiliates section something of that size. Also try not to add ghosts anywhere in the logo....
When Super Smash first came out (in US) I dabbled a bit in brawl and what not but what I really loved was tinkering with the custom stage designer...
Cabin Fever Map made for the gametype Conquest, best if played with 6-8 players. Download Map Download Conquest Back Story: During the Winter...
During an interview a Blizzard employee mentioned creation of multiple MMORPG's, I am thinking Starcraft and Diablo. But I am really hoping for a...
ZOMG! Best thing to happen since Forge was released. Here is the link for all of the details this is going to be tight. Click here for the...
Sweet Vid takes a minute to get to the real action. _1nzEFMjkI4
Redemption My overall view of this map was to create something a little like Rat's Nest, where players and vehicles are separate from each other...
Please go to the new updated "Welcome New Members" thread. This thread is being kept shown but locked since it is now a part of site history....
Has anyone played this game either for the computer or PS3. If so how is it compared to Halo 3, I am thinking about getting it, and is there a map...
What graphic imaging program do you use, and how much would it cost to get it. I am looking for a good program so if anyone could help it would be...
I thought the first movie was hilarious just hope they will keep it up, and by the looks of this trailer it looks funny to me, here is the link to...
Hello I am The TXGhost. I am an active forger. I like to forge alone so its not personal when I turn you down for a forge duo combo thing. Here...
The Map NOTICE: Version 2.0 will be coming soon. Tired of playing those MLG maps? This map is a map where all you do is hit your opponet with a...
The Map What, not popular enough to find a big party? Well this map is a solution for you! This is a small map meant to be played 2v2 or 4v4,...