Could someone put black rims on this so I could see how it would look. It could be the same or different rims, just wanna see how it would look....
After watching a documentary on Gun Control I have decided to bring this subject over to the debate sections. How do you feel about gun control....
Which is worth more, or who goes further. A person with talent, or a person with Persistence.
Lets imagine you are a ruler of a country. The world is at war with itself and its starting to end. Every other country has given up but one and...
Star Wars: Old Republic “There’s been some rumors recently in the past few months,” joked BioWare co-founder Dr. Ray Muzyka. “We thought about...
Basic Photoshop but it impresses teh normal people. Yes that is me. Currently it resides on my myspace where it will soon get fame and acclaim for...
Well the game comes out tonight. I am extremely pumped and will be picking it up tomorrow. Yes, yes I know why not tonight? Well because of damn...
So its been a while since I have ever used Photoshop and I only used it for about a month when I did. And when Used Photoshop I stuck to tutorials...
Could anyone crop out just the Train (center) part of this for my logo. Thanks in advance. Oh and if it isn't below 200 x 200 then could you...
Ok ok ok, so... I need a sig and a Logo type thing. Heres what I want to do, I need something for Team Pain Train. Something like this... [IMG]...
Alright as some of you have noticed, I am no longer Event Staff, which my sig still states. What I want from you guys is a new sig. Now it doesn't...
This stuff is just hilarious, you have to watch this.
Swat, probably one of the funnest gametypes in all of Halo. At least to me it is. I have been a very big fan of it ever since it came out in Halo...
Debate Central This Thread will contain information about the debates. If you are looking for the Rules you are in the wrong place, this will...
ShatterSphere Download Here ShatterSphere: This map has been a thought in my head forever now. Basically it is a map comprised of double boxes...
Is there any way to hook my Xbox 360 to my computer. Any programs I need to download? Thank you in advance.
Yeah you. I would like a new bar in my signature. And I have found the perfecft shape, size, everything. The only problem is I want a few of the...
Screenshot Effects 101 [IMG] -Screenshot by Tesai Changing the color of the background can affect your screenshot dramatically. It can make it...
So most of you guys have seen the news post of the Friday Night Fight. First of all I would like to address that it will always be the Staff vs....