that isn't me tard, you had your chance, now i'm alerting a mod
this is spam and will be counted as such, please refrain from doing this from now on. i want honest opinions, not stupid jokes.
Can a Mod Please Tell Me if Putting a Link in My Sig Will Get Me An Infraction For Advertising? of course not, everyone does it, if its just a...
honestly people, i really don't need help testing anymore i have lots of friends as it is, and there's always atleast 1 available person online....
well, i'm pretty sure you have to reply in a message to them to get hacked, it happened to me once, lukily i convinced the kid not to do it. but i...
i was watching a HLG video, and on it a kid took the guys ip adress so he could hack him. but at the end the guy said it is a fake made up id...
you saw the unfinished version, and its just v1, i'm gonna make it bigger
what 404, i've never seen that before
hi, check out my new map, its not posted, just some teaser pics, but still.
sure, since some people want to test it, just leave your gt in your response and i'll FR you
i'm just trying to get it noticed, but lets keep this on topic, what do you guys think of the map.
my thoughts exactly
i don't think he's joking, that sucks man, mt grandpa died of cancer
i wasn't asking for a feature, i was saying that i think i finally made a map that was worth getting featured, in my opinion
actually yes, but only a few, its mostly a 1v1 arena map, but maybe 2v2, also in the new version theres a sentinal beam where the overshield is...
after getting great reviews for my map caverns v7, and having it almost sorta featured, i set out to make a new, better, cleaner map that will,...
o, sweet, i love the vids, really helpful.
stfu, you can't judge a map by looking at it, and there is interlocking, and its neat, so just stop talking, cause you don't know what your...
[/URL] where are those two, i wanna see them
well it is. i love to play on it, it just needs to be a little bit neater, and i can help you with that.