I know I know alot of people said this but maybe add some towers or geomerge at the sides because it's very open but i like your middle platform...
Original That's so orginal and kewl, I love your idea and it looks great. But the defenders got it to easy. I think anyways. Also what weapons do...
Idk I think it's to easy for the defenders and the outside is to open. I don' t really get the layout of the map. But It's a good idea, maybe you...
not really It does not have alot of merging accept for the cell and the pillars and the walls (some of them anyway but ya i merged alittle).
Twiddle Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing "the spartan jail wasen't made very big thinking that the spartans...
Dont see it I dont see the ascension in it but if i played it i might, but i like how you obisly took your time to make this map and it looks...
Why is it when i download a map that it says "the next time you log in the map will be downloaded" and everything and it's says it's downloaded...
I already rate your map. I gave it 5 stars dude it's really good
Nice now that i see this maps layout it's great. all of it looks important and pleaty of merging. I have no complaints my friend.
I relize you can get out but really there is no need to so i would not expect people to try it. I think i will make a V.2 because alot of people...
great feedback, and yes a big part of the map is the overshield, it comes back pretty fast and can really turn the tide of battle. I might make a...
Alot of work I'm glad you took your time making this map and it is pretty good. i like the thing in the middle, that bridge nice job man. 4/5
thanks for feedback guys, and i give up who is it Knightsofunforggoten.
last the last one was the best in my opion, the others did not seem so good and lokked boring. I love the bunkers though. 4/5
Boring It's a great map but the bases look a little boring, and accaully they don't really look like bases at all. I would suggest maybe makin it...
no no when you walk up to the window panels it gives you overshield
Mysticism Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing You have stumbled upon a forrunner construct and must protect it...
Not bad this is a great first map but armorys are normally bad and youy have way to many weapons on the scarab, But All the other stuff is great,...