Thanks guys, i am working on fixing it today and work on it to make a V.2 that is clean and interlocked
Great I like th layout but you should make a V.2 that is interlocked and it would be great.
Escalate : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Long after the war had ended, many had thought that all flood had been...
great great idea and i like the bunkers but can you get out of the bunkers
too The sword seems overpowered for a 2v2 match but it looks great For FFA nice job dude.
It's very simple and crowded but i like the layout. Not bad i give 3.5/5
cant cant tell much from thwe pictures. sorry
Ummm This map is really open and little cover and not much speical about it so i give it a 4/5 because seems like good gameplay nd i like the...
kewl Sounds like a kewl gametype but having the VIP seems worthless
Like the I like the interlocking and all but thos map is really wierd and open. What I mean by wierd is all the doxes sticking out of the ground,...
TOo I think it's a little clustered but i like your dome. VERY nice.
my new map is up It's called "Twiddle"
NICe This map is amzing man, but the teleporter annoys me since once they get the flag they just teleport back
Nice This is a great map nice job dude,
I know It's hard to tell from pics but it's is merged, Not geomerged becuase i did not think it was needed at all so. thanks though.
Kewl THat's one sick map man. Looks hard to navigate through though
Take out the ghost and it wouild be a great mlg map dude nice job.
Sick Looks great and original keep it up.
I like what you put in the middle and the bases. But it's not really MLG i dont think anyway and also I'm not sure about gameplay but i could be...
Wow! IT"S beatiful. I want to marry your map dude nice job. I coulden't think of one possiable thing wrong. You got my DL