I like how it looks like it's in ruins and i also like all the pillars you put in and there seems to be plenty of cover, i'm not really sure about...
this is accually really good, nice job but i think more interlocking is in order, looks kinda sloppy to.
I don't think it is sloppy i also like the burial and idea behind the map. I don't really like the tunnels i think tunnels are just annoying so....
Great the post is fixed i think it kinda seems like omega journey map and it seems like in the last pic that the human could just camp there the...
You made a good cold storage map, congraulations, i knew it coulden't be impossible, i am trying to make a map on cold storage but i keep going...
More pics would be nice but from the pics i can tell you must have planned this out and taken alot of time but i dont likem pit because you can't...
Dude this map is awsome i like the bases because there very creative and the middle section is not as orginal but it looks like a fun map nice job.
Great map, i like layout of the border wall but i think that maybe you could have interlocked it and made it neater and i think that the defenders...
I think it's really sloppy, Maybe interlock it more so it's neater and add more to really bring out the map.
One of the most orginal maps i have ever seen nice job.
A little sloppy but very good job, And finally someone who's first thread is up to standards.
Sick map and i love the center structure but i dislike shield doors, I would love to see the kinda map you could make without them.
Very original with X and i love the tele tunnel. Nice job. But it seems people would camp the tele.
I had high hopes for a map named the big apple but you didn't diappoint, i love the feel and look of it how it seems just like the big apple. I...
When you said this was going to be the best house in the poll i thought "ya right" but you proved me wrong. This is amazing. Only concern is the...
Dang nice job i can tell you really took your time in this because of all the merging i now how big a pain it is to geomerge the open boxes and...
Isn't that a little brutal, It's not Horrible. I think that maybe you should try interlocking ALL the Boxes turn the side under the boxe to the...
Great map but it's really small.
I think it's accually a good map, I think why alot of people call it arena is so people know what the map is. And it needs an armory because if...
Looks kinda plain and i usually don't like armorys because they arent normally really fun because you don't have to fight for the weapons that you...