You bet your ass were making a map together when this is out. Also, if you haven't seen the Gamespot video, you can actually assign things other...
Looks cool.
Not as cool as this. : Halo Reach : Multimedia
Bad game, good video. 'Nuff said.
Your sig. I love it.
[IMG] This i the greatest news I have ever heard...
Oh boy, another Carmine brother dying. Who didn't see this coming. Epic sure knows how to write good games, yes sir.
Yes, because I'm automatically supposed to know that there is someone hiding in the bushes with a silenced sniper rifle on one of the biggest maps...
Played ONE game of Hardcore TDM on Derail. To put it bluntly, I would rather shove shards of broken glass in my **** and swallow my own nutsack...
I don't care if I know you or not, that's ****ing awesome.
Yeah, but I try to refrain from using OU as much as possible. Especially Spore Punch Breloom.
I don't know if this has been brought up, but you guys need to check Pokemon Online out. Pokmon Online By the way, I've been experimenting with...
ffff the moment you get off i get on i mad
I call things out all the time in almost every gametype, even if I don't know the callouts I at least try too. The trouble is, if you get taken...
Yeah. The Vector is basically the weapon you want to have in it, along with the .44, EBR, and FAL Holographic. I just don't enjoy playing it...
You need to get on MW2 at night more often, because that's when I usually play.
Well, most people like to think SnD takes a large amount of teamwork and skill. That really isn't the case. On my previous account, before it was...
Lost all credibility with this statement. Also, I've basically given up on this game. The only gametype I even want to play anymore is Domination...
Call of Duty is the Madden of FPS games. Charging for an online fee is the absolute worst move they can make. It also doesn't help that Kotick...
Not in a million years.