No, the majority of people who say MW2 sucks know what makes balanced and fair gameplay. There is no way to counter Danger Close or One Man Army...
Madden of FPS, new one each year, etc.
This is not a good idea. If you have to go so far as to limit people from stepping in certain parts of your map that could be exploited with...
Ayo wario
It's stupid, it sucks, I hate it. Can you make me one using my emblem?
yor gey
It's not so much the maturity gap as much as the skill gap. If anything, someone who never played an FPS in their life would enjoy Call of Duty...
Like whenever I go up against you in customs and I **** all over your face and rub my nuts all over your helmet because you got domed so hard your...
Seriously, if Bungie puts the Flood in the Reach campaign, I'm going to be pissed because not ONLY does it **** all over canon, it's ****ing...
Hurr im bungie and i like to give the flood shotguns and hammers and swords on normal difficulty because despite the fact that theyre fast as ****...
This band is so terrible that it makes me want to kill myself. Go listen to August Burns Red, or Norma Jean, or the Number 12 Looks Like You, or...
Gamertag: Furrex Times you can get on: Whenever Mic?: **** yeah Something describing yourself: Ask Noxiw. He can describe me the best. Some of...
Yup. Now you know what's better than Halo and Call of Duty combined? Quake.
Modern Warfare 2 rewards you for DYING CONSECUTIVELY. It's literally baby's first FPS. Any game is better than it.
Definitely Desert. By that, I mean like the ones seen in the level The Ark in Halo 3. None of that sand dunes bullshit.
Hopefully it's balanced in that the range is smaller than the Power Drain and it drains YOUR shield as well as those around you. If not, I'm...
look at my awesome and unique signature
CoD commentaries are overdone and boring to watch. Deal w/ it nerds. I'll subscribe anyway though.
Considering Bungie took pieces of the map Lockout and Ascension to be used in Forge (BR Tower and the Dish for example) it makes perfect sense...
If there aren't playlists in Reach where nobody can use the Drop Shield or Armor Lock I'm going to walk down to Bungie HQ and punch each and every...