Yup Grunt, you get to help. When we finish the rest of Tunnels, you can help me work on Forrunner Map Pack.
Exactly. On the first map. You have to defend a gate. The Zombies will blow it up. The humans weapons will fly out the their hands, and they have...
Sorry Eightball, the only picture you get right now is "tease #3" :)
What do we need to do to finish tunnells? However you spell that word :D
Yeah, I know, you wanted "Tunnells". Well, that map is being side tracked for a while. Until then, the people working here, (by people I mean me,...
Ill put that into my ideas for "Tunnells", and Ill contact you if I need help.
@ Eightball ,Thanks dude! Yeah, I would love to add more color too, but Forgeworld has limits,sadly. Im glad im making a name for my self in the...
I'm working on "Tunnells" with aspects from this map with GruntHunter soon. Expect it to have Invasion, One Bomb, 1-CTF, and Slayer to be hosted...
Nice map dude. The last phase gets really tense. The crane is rather dull looking though. I rate it a 4 out of 5.
Well, if you guys love this map so much. You can all expect to see a train station designed for Slayer and other gametypes. One Bomb anyone?
Im quiting XForgery...
I'll try to get to that, but due to Forge limit, such as the low budget, it would be hard to do something like that, but it doesnt hurt to try. :D
Thats a good idea, but a pain in the arse idea to be more specific. Anyways, thanks!
You've come seeking an awesome map, eh? Well, you've come to the right place. ______________________________ Thanks to FaceMelterKitty, who helped...
This needs pictures broski.
Yeah, My crouch button is really messed up. Ill be sure to be neater and ill get a better version of the map made :)
Wow, thanks Zath. I believe theres only a few people who do this. Me, you, and Squidman. Its all good :)
I do like his ideas, I even added my own little goodies. Like the retainer...for instance.
Ok, so I recently helped a friend build a pelican. And that pelican was the best one ive made. So, I decided to upload a custom pelican along with...
At Plasma, Thats a good idea. Anyways, I actually only tested it three times, and I thnik its good, but needs tweaking. Ill be doing that today.