this is an amazing idea. the execution is excellent you should win.
looks like a nice map. i like how its on ghost town and not foundry. good forging.
looks like its going to be a nice map. the structure in the middle will make or break the map. good luck
i like the look of the map. the warthog crashing through the fence is sweet. game-play im not so sure of it looks like you threw it together...
i dont have the achievement yet. i have all the other vid master achievements too. but nobody wants to take the time and do it. anyone want to...
hey nice map. i like how its not all enclosed and one way. it lets you roam around and get off the beaten path. my favorite part is where you...
nice map. my favorite part is the switch. its really cool how you spelled it too. nice map.
nice map. i like how it has different levels. definitely nice for 5v5. and oddball so you can chase them around the map. nice forging too.
hey great race map. i dont usually like race tracks because they are all the same. but this is different. i like how the mongooses hang down,...
ha that is really funny. i will have to try some of those tactics out. my favorite is where you drop something on the people. ha they dont even...
my highest rank is 35 in doubles. i have a 30 in swat a 31 in team slayer. a 31 in lone wolves. and a 28 in team objective. they arent very high...
my rank is commander grade 2. i haven't tried to get my rank up lately but i am going to soon.
ya the video is a joke sorry nut its true. try to get more big kills.
i am really excited but i tried to download it and it is taking forever.
i play on default. people say that bumper jumper is a better layout but i have never experimented. i like 4 sensitivity. with the vibration on.
i play on 3. i dont know anything else. i will have to experiment now that you brought it up
i cant wait for sandbox to come out. i like to think about what will happen to forging after it comes out. i know when we started forging in halo...
hey man really nice maps. i downloaded all of them and they are all my style maps. i like how they are all slayer maps. i would say my favorite is...
i like this map. it very unique and has an interesting style to it. i like the structures. they dont go together well but i like that. its like a...
this map is ok. i would suggest you read up on some forging tips. on the website there is a thread called forging 101. you should read up on that....