the map is good for what you know. like everyone said visit forging 101 it does a very good job explaining how to do things. if you ever need any...
your map looks very nice. it is a nice idea to create a way to punish people for falling while opening a option for the flag carrier being chased....
the map is nicely built. its not the best i have seen. but not the worst. the map looks fun. i would suggest that you try to interlock more...
the map looks very well forged. very nice looking. i can tell you spent a lot of time on it. i think that the map can support a very nice game,...
in this map you did a very nice job forging. the sides are very neat and everything is symmetrical to one another. i like how you took it a step...
i would say that the objects in the map look good. but how is it supposed to help you when fighting zombies. idk if its a good map to play on....
the map is a nice. i like how you have some very nice ideas. i think that with practice you would be a very good forger. your ideas look sloppy...
i would agree with most people when saying that the map needs to be neater. unless thats the look you are going for. overall looks like a nice map...
ok the map is decent. the idea is very nice trying to incorporate a great sport into halo. i think the map is too small. and the man cannon seems...
the Map is very nice. the idea for infection is very simple. you did a very nice job picking the best spot to make your map at. very cool to...
the map is very hard to understand. i dont know if you can get up to the top open boxes but even if you could you couldnt be able to shoot out of...
very original paintball map. the layout is ok but the overall effort is the biggest factor. when making a map its imperative that you spend time...
so i think the map is alright. kind of useless seeing how the map has the same concept with only a crate or barrel placed their. i dont think you...
so ya the map is uneven. the race track is still probably race-able but i dont think people will. i would suggest trying again. try some new ways...
Check out my map called Industrial site
hey could you do me a favor and lock my thread called industrial site. its the first one. i accidently pressed submit. i would greatly appreciate...
interesting concept. the cops and robbers game-type is a good setting for your map. the map looks great and looks like a nice place to play.
Industrial site [IMG] Description Industrial site is a map i have been working on for about a week now and i am very proud of it. the map is...
the map is pure slayer goodness. i really like the map. it looks epic and could really support a great game. very nice job. i like how the map...
the map looks very well forged and the idea is very cool. pong is sweet and you did a nice job incorporating that into halo. very nice map.