lovin it This is such a good Idea. I love how you made it aesthetically pleasing and yet, functional. I also think it was briliant how you...
It may be interlocked well, but I would try to straiten out your walls. They are all crooked
then you aint seen nothin yet.
How did you mount the weapons"?? That would come in handy!!
This is so symetrical my eyes hurt. That is a good thing
wow, I godda play campaign more, cuz I don't know if this even looks like the level. But I am fairly suer it does, because It looks like you put...
It looks like it would play very well and I like that you made it up on a whim. Good work( and hopefully good play too)
I am sorry to say that I do not know exactly what you were going for. You alreadt lay your walls strait and are a good forger, but I think this...
I like your variation of Grifball. It brings a whole new aspect of height to the game, which I think grifball is lacking
This is a pretty nteresting take on infection. And a tip, interlocking would make this already smooth map work even smoother
Also, try turning it off instant spawn... That has tricked me many of times
That is sort of creepy predicide. Really creepy...
Reminds me of a pool I used to go to... In a good way
very messy, try straitening some walls before posting on forge hub. I am suer it is a good map, just get the aesthetics down if you want downloads
The walls are perfectly placed and I can tell you wanted some of them to be leaning and such, and the perfection of this map tells me that you...
Re: Bunker Hill Version 3.0 A big upgrade since v1. Nice work, I can tell you worked hard on this.
Tomas said he did not do it. Maybe it really was some raging hater who has devoted his account to hating your map. Looks like you just got a...
Kind of a sad map, kind of a sad comeback. Will it be playable, or just for lookins???
WHY would you say that BANBAN?