This map is oober fun, but easy to break. But stil fun!!!
I appreciatr the concept of a curved map like this, but it would have helped a lot to fix thos crooked walls and such
I see that you posted this map twice. One of them will be deleted by a mod, so next time you want to fix a post, just click edit on your previous...
It could be cleaned up a little, and if you interlock, the floor would not have those pesky bumps, other than that, impressive first post
not any type in particular, but you posted two taday and a few others before in a short amount of time, thattells me you do not put time and...
I am just saying, I know you put a lot of time into these maps ( I dont really know ) But You might develope a bad rep if you keep turning out...
"Deleted" is the most fun map ever! I just wish it existed
This map is very seemlass and congrats on that( very nice work) But I think I speak well for the halo community that we are a little tired of...
Lol, no. That game was a big let down. Please do not post these kinds of Questions in the maps section. The map section is for maps, put this in...
maps that are just glitched, not for gameplay arent fun. Necro falls had good gameplay
Sorry about what I said, I did not read this. You might think about having another mod post to avoid the argument all together.
Never Never Ever Say, "pics Coming Soon"!!! By the time you put on pics, people will have lost interest, and callen you a noob. Make sure you...
WTF?!? ( I agree)
I agree, crooked walls don't get any DLs
There is no good excuse for not having pics. Noone will dl if you don't have pics, so I would get on that. STAT
I have seen this map posted before... but where???
Looks complex and fin. I might DL and take out the turrets and teleporters. Those are never fun
Do not take the images from bungie, save the images annd put them on a photobucket, then embed them
you need to embed pics ifyou want any downloads