Good map, I am not a fan of fences though, it makes it hard to see
For such a simple map, you should at least make sure the middle box is strait
Interlocking is supposed to make things smoothe and neat, you just invented a whole new kind of sloppy
Check out the GSA browski!
I was gonna make a map called horseshoe :(
Looks so perfect, could be paint or ginp of PS. Very interesting
I actually laughed out loud! FRLOL ( For Realsies Laugh Out Loud)
Very Very ominous. I love it
Looks like grifball with a mess of other crap! Still good though!
Don't listen to those other guys, this map is so perfect and in line. You do not have to upturn bridges if you interlock it a little, (usually a...
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I am loving that crayon one!
Lol, you have 328 posts, and 3.28 a day!
Me+Blueberrys+rubber=Saturday night a your mom's house
Do you actually think you know more about forging than the people at FORGE-hub??? Your challenge is not a challenge at all to most of us here
HeeeeHeeeeee, LOLOLOLOL. You finally got a way to show people this!
I have a strange addiction to mess maps, I gotta try this one, it looks like it has the potential to pla well
Impressive, I'm guessing you use gimp. And no, I'm not psychic, I just looked at your name
This has already been posted here, I think... Wait, yea... No... Yea, I dled it and played it, already been posted, but good for you for not...