I agree, it is a little messy, taking the time to interlock can surprisingly get more dls
just edit the post to post the finished post. That simple, and please do not double post. No big deal really
please do not double post, and I would suggest that you use photobucket to embed your pics
omg! I totally have never fallen down before and I neeeeeeed a pic of it. Try a new concept ( and that does not mean a gut getting shot or walking)
holy crap that is sweet
Welcome to forge hub! This map is not up to standards, but You should head on over to where you posted the map and look at the top stickie on how...
holy crzap! I love it! So nice and perfect... I want to live in it. Set for dl (BTW, I never dl maps, so you should be honored)
if you take the time to make big letters and such, that tels me you could make pics, but you did not want to . lazy fool! Just add pics
A very neat concept, and it is very aesthetically pleasing. nice work
It would be nice if you fixed the crooked things to make it look nicer
it seems a little bare, you might want more cover in the middle
You did seem like a **** by the way, but we kept on playing after you left. That is just what we do, we just like to play until bored and play...
sup home skillet. Sorry about last night. Why did you go at 1:00?
Rts halo, that makes me laugh. That would be hard with this run and gun game!
where is the gold?
you have interesting ideas on merging places and shapes, I like that
for some reason i am comepelled to download... and I did,... what? I never download
that dragon is teh shiz!
despite no embedded pics, i do like how you used man cannons to light up the place
Interlocking makes things fit together so it does not look like a box forest. Unless you were going for that