This is one of many sacrificial grounds, which now serve as a reminder to the horrific past. 2-8 players Xanidu is a small symettric map with...
The basement of this map looks very good, and nice interlocking it looks like it took some time. Good job.
OK, I updated some stuff and this is only my first map so keep a look out because more maps will be coming soon.
IDK, i've seen a lot of similar maps but it looks pretty nice.
Very neat and organized... love it!
Looks kinda open but i can see that adding to the intensity and excitement of gameplay.
Yeah this map look really nice from the pics ill have to see how the gameplay is later though.
Thank you for pointing that out I added the weapons and equipment but now I have to run so ill probably add more details later on.
Yeah i just updated the signature, thanks. =]
This air facilitation plant was once put to great use. But, when the flood invaded it quicky became vacant. 2 - 10 players Pipeworks is a...
Ok, in the main Forge Index there is a post about merging with the crane on foundry, but the video must have been taken down... So can somebody...