**** you
you got it :D
what if your doing an effect and you need to be in forge?
This is only works one round at a time. okay so you want to take a screenshot of something cool or your map but that grid shows up you can...
link on my post now
i heard some people can make it so they show up as recon in theatre for when they take clips and pics anyone know how? and can they tell me?
[IMG] http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Screenshots.aspx?mode=pinned&player=CertifiedSaint Thats my other account if you dont believe me...
Whats Wrong With This Picture? [IMG]
a shot i took please rate [IMG]
i dont know what to say but lol.... [IMG] this isnt staged i meant to put funny
Just Showing Off My SWAT Skills [IMG]
nice capture idk how u found that lol did the ghost hit you ?
i need people to help test my infection map me and king bubolot made send a message to CertifiedSaint if you wish to help test
so walking around the nice old pit stop and what do you know some guy shoots me in the nads common thats not nice D= [IMG]
ehm yellow isnt really a gang color i live in cali *stockton most crime rated city* and theres Crips= Blue not much in northern cali Bloods= Red...
it would be cool if you were looking at the camera and with a different gun
i was playing custom games with my friend testing his map out and i noticed he died funny so i went into theater and it was like that im not sure...
uhh i dont own the mythic map pack that is blackout if you can see the bottom right and i meant for it to have a different effect but everything...
i lold [IMG]
i seem to shoot over peoples heads X| so i would rather fight against a spartan but i like playing as an elite everyonce in awhile and swat gives...