hey it's all good man. Just keep forging and adding more detail and perfection to your craftsmanship. You can have a completely random aesthetic...
Ya, not sure if you can give one person credit for this and be certain about it. So many people forge without being on forgehub, or xbl to that...
Love the story, I was a big fan of the book. The only problem with this, is that I've seen way too many of these ships on forge. Props for the...
Hey. For pre DLC this turned out pretty good. I like the idea of unblocking the teleporter, but does the solution have to be that close? Maybe...
I like maps like these. Get more respect from seeing every piece merged. From what I saw I think you could make an infection gametype from this....
Hoo rah to that! You do have to remember that although the design is unique, many people attempt to make caves (only a handfull succeed..) And...
I just saw silver cave on x forgery...and.....ya. Elite-I've seen your work before, but I never knew that you were building caves. Originally I...
Oh cool I would say that this could even be a casual or a mini game map, since you made it playable. Overlooks and the bottom level are cool, but...
Hey it's not bad for what it is. And i DO think the legs are cool the way they are, but where the claws at? Regardless- Who's boiling up the...
Hell ya! I've been waiting to see this for a while now. I KNEW somebody out there had to forge the damn thing.. Im not going to bash on the...
The map in fact plays every gametype (Slayer, CTF, KoTH, Territories, Juggernaut, Infection, Assualt/neuteral bomb, VIP. Never tested oddball, but...
You would be surprised of the warthog gameplay. The map creates multiple natural choke points in the middle, here the driver has to slow down to...
Thanks for taking the time to review the map Scarecrow. This was not an OLN built map, so I made most of the objects which I had. You have to...
Without a question the Elephant is in fact well forged with attention to details. From the back the pelican does look good, but the front could...
Author: xSoGx Grim Canvas: Sandbox OLN, no budget Supports: ALL gametypes, multi-team Players: 2-8; (no more than 10 for FFA) more for infection...
you know when i saw Memorial Basin, i was expecting a Halo Wars remake.. But to say the least you did a good job with the structures, my...
This map is clean and well put together. Props on combining wedge corners with corners large-that's a pretty cool effect. But yes you could...
useful I think that this thread should be mandatory read for every new member. I sure could of used it..
.. And you base this fact purely off what? looking at the picture for 1.5 seconds? Tree defense was forged before I knew about forgehub,...