cord would you like to help me on my next map because I would like you to make the new map with me or atleast tell me stuff to make and help me...
I really did dude if you have played gears of war everything is messed up nothing is extremely clean because of the locust that is why the other...
The map is supposed to be messed up to add to the gears of war feel
the sentinal beam is the hammer of dawn thats right now I remember
the map is supposed to look not so good because it adds to the "Gears of War" feeling
benny obviously you did not read the description for the armoury it is extremely hard for you to win without it and also probably the strongest...
Gears of War Berserker This map is like the campaign in Gears of War if you have not played Gears of War go play it now! But it is not as good as...
ya to light the fireplace there are firebomb grenades right next to it
If anyone wants to be a "forge buddy" with me that is decent and knows how to atleast interlock or geomerge send me a message in game...
I just noticed that I do have a lot of power weapons but if you think about it... power weapons are not extremely good against zombies besides...
You can say all you want about this map that how about it has already been done its a mansion what else is to it but then again you must of not...
Thank you everyone for all your replies I have started a 2nd one and being that everyone says that some parts are messy I will take a lot more...
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