Fix the pics, People need to see it to want it
i give you 9.7/10 which happens to be one of the highest rateings I have given, very well made, *claps
looks very good but just a question, where does the name "Black Betty" Come in with your map?
making the pictures bigger will help but i like what i can see
ya for future post, plz post pics, really helps sell your product.
Well hard for some people to laser the humans, for those of use that are very skilled with the laser it can be quite enjoyable, (I was one of the...
looks pretty good, i shall Download it later
Snow Wheel is an awsome Race map On Avalanche. There is not much more to say about it other then I have my own gametype for it instead of the...
Pretty awsome dude, you could have made the middle section a little smother but i Give it 8.9/10
it looks ok, but i don't quite understand where you are going to, Is it like Rocket Race?
Looks cool but if you add the pics directly to your post it will help sell your map.
Cool map, very smooth forging
dude that is really cool, i am working on a map in the same area of Avalanche
it may just be me but i don't understand how the pics are of the same map, but i do like the figure 8
Very good job, alot of Aesthetic maps are really bad/stupid but your is pretty amazing i give it 9.7 out of 10 (best rating i have given a map so far)
you should add a discription of the game type you use. But other then that looks pretty good so me is gonna download it
I say add sheild doors for water will bring out more desire to download, but other then that i give it 9.1 out of 10
Ok dude you need Pictures to push your product and give it a good discription
This maybe your first post so i can cut you slack, but the Name of your map, Give it a name, doesnot have to be a great name but it needs a name...
Dude i love the Shaun of the Dead Movie, i give your map 9.6 out of 10, good work.