I think the second one is really cool, the other ones are ok.
I am definately a general soldier, I HATE any covenant weapon.
Haha that will be funny when they fall and get owned. Thanks for commenting.
Screenshot: Want some more? Link: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21595260 [IMG] Map Variant: Ambushed Link:...
Thanks alot dude! That means alot to me! I worked forever on this map! :)
haha thats pretty cool
That's pretty cool that you got a triple with one shot, but it isn't the best screenshot.
Wow! Thanks for all the good comments. I was playing this game with 10 people earlier and it was a ton of fun! I hope you guys can try it sometime
Story Behind the Map (not necessary to read) A radio transmission was received from Alpha team in Installation 05; We were running from the...
I like challenges, I think that is my favorite part about this, for once the infects have a little advantage.
ok guys! interior pictures are up! Sorry for the wait!
Sorry, my first thread. Still gotta learn to take more pics. I'll get some interior pics up the first thing tommorrow morning
Looks sloppy. But I have seen some sloppty maps that have good gameplay. So just because its sloppy doesn't mean it is a bad map, this is the...