This my friend looks like a freaking awesome map, at my first sight. At my second sight= I'm gonna have a blackout... At my third sight= Is this...
Don't make the weapons spawning altogether=camping=bad. Bit more cover=escaping the open part=good. nice outside feuture.
very nice map, nice interlocking and extra's 5/5
srry mate, not up to forgehub standards, please fix within 24 hours or it gets locked, just that you know, good luck ;)
we only want to help the forgers and their maps, because elseway their maps get locked automaticilly after 24 hours so we're not bad guys. Nice...
pretty good indeed, not such a liker of camping tough and that was the happening so... but in the other way a nice map indeed (2*indeed=lol) You...
there like no interlocking at all, but in the categorie 'old skool' this would be great
looks like al other mlg-maps, but better! like it very much 5/5.
wait a minute, I saw [IMG] File Share Item [IMG] Curbstomp 10 Players max. vip/1flag/1bomb/jug/5pFFA/OB - Created by Vendetta814 Author:...
great map right thur, lolz :P lots of pictures= hurting and stunned eyes but still happy face :D great job blaze, I'll download. XD!
no forgehub standards= no downloads:( no interlocking= bad rating >:( no gametype= very bad rating >>:( no good post/map = omg! >>>>>>>:(
looks like a great map, nice interlocking.
doesn't look that super, try doing some aesthetics in the air and make a v2 so it looks good and plays good at the same time. No...
very nice infection map, finally a decent one, I'll download.
pretty good, but it could use a bit more time for interlocking (examples are the bridges which are placed normally and not upsidedown and...
not so good for gameplay, but for any machinima this would be great, nice job.
A bit formilieur(or something like that) but a very nice job indeed
really great map mate 5/5 I love everything about it
nice first try, good for mlg for sure, great job 4/5.
as everyone says 'too open' it is, try adding 2 or 3 more buildings on the sides and some cover to get there. Good luck.