nice job man, maybe this can help some beginners on going, sad that you have builded it there in the corner though.
lovely map man, nice job.
nice map man, but it can get bored a little after a long time.
nice map man, great job.
not bad at all, sad that you didn't flip the boxes upsidedown and then interlocked them, make a v2 for the best.
nice v2 man better than the first one, keep on forging.
nice map man, bit open but just great.
very nice map, but try to have something special.
ZOMG and 4-18 players?!?!?! can only have 16 players in a lobby, like lol. Never downloading this.
looks like a great map, but I can't see the big picture, but still great.
this looks like a great map, but their is almost no point were you can go at top speed, so I think after playing this a few times it would make...
very nice map indeed, nothing bad to say.
Very smart: make the title crashed so we can tell ya that its not neat enough, ownage. Flag spawn= ZOMG LOL.
if its neat and the boxes are upside down and interlocked and have real water ponds(shield doors) and has the out of bounds feuture than it is a...
I love these challenges, nice job, I'll try and win!!
I'm doing great, Thx for agreement and visiting. I hate thiefs, but our world can't be perfect...., well bye and happy forging.
looks like a great map man, nicely angled too. I'll check it out ;)
this looks awesome, great job with all the rooms and I'll check out the beta version of it.
nice map, not a fan of 'rat'-maps, but you did a great job.
13 words dude: 'overpowered armory', 'no interlocking', 'too open', 'supports camping', 'Oh my fcking god' and 'gay'.