Pop up that a lot of people seem to think is good. Okay so I was bored while FH was offline so I made this. [IMG] I think it's one of my best...
This is my first off signature siggy so it's not the greatest but I like it so I thought I'd post it and see how everyone else likes it. So...
Okay so I started with this tut Colorful Forum Signature Tutorial | Forum Signatures | Tutorialgod and then deviated and mixed it up and I think...
This isn't a shop it is just a general thread for sig requests so that people don't just start a new thread whenever they want a sig done by a...
I made this in about 10 minutes and I think it turned out pretty good. I also think it should be the standard sig for moderators since that would...
Okay I created this in about 20 minutes and I just tried some different effects with C4ds and other stuff. Please give me CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism...
Hey... I've been using photoshop for a while but I still can't figure out the pen tool. Can someone create or post a tut for me?
Here is my first animated signature... I made it in Adobe ImageReady in about 2 hours. [IMG] I made this quickly for a friend so don't...
These are the signatures that I have created so far.[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Lord Terrax XII This was my first map with a switch in it and I think it turned out nicely. It is however very confusing and I suggest no...
Lord Terrax XII Curse of Curves is an aesthetic map that is also very playable. It is a two leveled map although about 90% of gameplay will...
Lord Terrax Switchback started as a experiment when I had seen the "wall of coolness" map and a video on youtube. I wanted to see if I could...
Lord Terrax XII Zap Zone is a laser tag based map that is designed to be a swat like map. You start off in a room with sentinel beams (lasers)...