i agree with Quizzical_Spark, make a v2 with more changes, also, did you change anything in the caves? no pics, another thought is you could...
looks suckish....JUST KIDDING! welcome to forge hub! Whats ironic is right now is that there are two Storage maps up on the "new maps" thing i...
looks okay maybe more of a walkthrough type of pics, u kinda lost me in it, im not gonna get after you for it bieng cleaner cause i know sometimes...
THIS IS NOT A DOUBLE POST i promise you this is my first and only map.
looks ok ill dl pretty good weapon line up... Maybe a v2... overall,4.5/5
looks very good, overall 5/5, breakdown: Merging:5/5 > very good, clean Weapons:4/5 > 2 Shotguns, seems like it wouldnt work very well....
good job redeyes! looks great definite DL.maybe a few more pics but the map looks good.
Map Description: A small competitive map (AND MY FIRST!) based on 2 bases and a kind of cave thing. Each base has: SMG x2 BR x2 Other...
looks good but like squiiddish said... id give it a 3 & try for a weapons list.
looks good i can see that the merging was pretty controlled LOL!
5 shotguns, 10 assault rifles, who knows how many magnums (lol) sound like pure crap......