i am looking to form a team slayer team, for matchmaking, so that me and everyone else on the team can reach 50 in ts. obviously this team will...
i don't see why the forging community can't decide what maps deserve to be featured, if theres some map that we all like, but the staff and what...
has anyone else noticed that the ice outside of blackout makes different shapes that look like halo related things, for example, [IMG] this is...
i know there are many good switchmakers on this site, so i have a little challange for all of you. who remembers the elevator on ivory tower, the...
this is my new map, CAVERNS. it is a small inclosed, you guessed it, cavern, with nooks and crannies, and a couple alcoves. it works best with 2v2...
when i first saw this picture on the reflex thread a while back. [IMG] i thought it was 3 or 4 tunnels like that meeting in one room, kinda...
this is a teaser pic to my upcoming map. i know that people arn't really looking forward to it, but still. tell me what you think. here it is...
i plan on posting this later, if anyone thinks this is a good idea please say so. what if we have a thing, where i make part of a map, and then...
does anyone know the first person or map to interlock. and while were here. who started geomerging. was it TDF. i assume but i don't know. does...
maybe its just me. but i've noticed that staff members are much more likely to get featured. more people pay attention to them and say that there...
did anyone else see that forgehubs best of forge was advertised on bungie. finally, we get some respect. what do you guys think.
this is my new minigame. TAG. the name gives away the idea. one person is the juggernaut. and when you are killed by the juggernaut, you become...
hi i. i know i'm a caviler, but i'm still human, so don't say i should know this. i was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to interlock in...
recently. i have been sending new members thism message. hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me....
i'm working on a map, and was wondering if anyone would even like it. the map is on standoff, and there are 3 doubles boxes in the sky. the idea...
i don't want to give them away. but for the first one, think paratroopers, and for the second, think the tunnel in reflex, x4. if you want to...
This is my newest map, MLG resurection. i couldn't think of a better name, and i probably spelled resurection wrong, but whatever. the map is...
everyone, loves distortion, so why not take it to the extreme. i want to know if anyone wants to help me make an upside down map. it would be hard...
for everyone who loved the first mongoose skate park, by scarface, i've got good news. me and scarfaced have been working on mongoose skatepark 2...
i just had a great idea for a minigame in halo. chess. i have an idea on how to make it. but i'm sure i'd have to have honor rules, and you'd need...