I love how suddenly Mario dies. It made me laugh out loud. That's the best Halo2 Vid Ever! (Besides some of the redvsblue episodes...)
Place to get your map tested. Make sure you read some of the Stickies. Map Testing - Forge Hub Halo Forums
Uh, In the forge disscussion, theres a sticky says " What maps do you think should be featured." and there you can recommend 3 maps a week and...
OH! Sure! Show me dieing from your sticky....lol. Honestly fellow forgehubbers, this as a great map to play on, it constantly had action, but i...
Lol, it seems like verytime I have a brilliant idea for forge, someone posts it that night lol. This looks great to play, A little sloppy in some...
I'm sorry, I really don't wnat to diss you, but I believe the guy above me is right. In order to get downloads for your map, you have to make...
I had a tear run down my eye when I saw this map. It is just beautiful. Looks like a map that i could even just drive on my own. It has great...
Happy Birthday! Love, Zachary9990
Lol, don't just spam, read his post. He said that he didn't plan this at all. I like the map, it's pretty generic, but I really like the...
I hate to say this, but I never really liked assasins creed. Don't get me wrong, it's a huge area with thousands of NPC's that make the game...
To be honest with you, I don't think anyone has ever tried the dumpster idea. That's brilliant! Nothing keeps a sniper's head low like a dumpter...
I heard that someone had gotten rid of the item limit a long time ago, but that was just a rumor. But really, I don't think that we will be able...
The only sugestion I could give would be to have the upper box overlap the lower boxe just a little so they can't get a surface to jump off of. I...
How to embed videos like you asked for, here's the link http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/6820-how-embedd-videos-new-site.html
This is the best superspeedway I have ever seen. I have never seen one on blackout, only on foundry, which can be good, but not great, there...
Look, I really like that your a new member and I dont ant you to quit because of the above comments, because it's probably a fun map.... to play...
Every time I look at your signiture I'm just mesmerized for at least 30 sec just atching it. That is the coolest thing ever. Rofl
So, what are you shooting at, I'm confused... Your armory looks cool and the wall looks cool, but I'm just confused on what you shoot at. Maybe...
Well from the pics provided for you, this looks like a very good map. It has intersting pathways and nice clean interlocking and possibly...