I can't say that it's amazing, but it might be a fun game to play with some friends once or twice. I think it would be fun to jump from bridge to...
Well, since you mentioned my post to Insane54 (which if you didin't its cool) I just sent him a private message with a link. Maybe hell give you...
Um, Vorpal, I can't give you rep again because it wont let me, but I think you deserve it. Nothing like trying to beat my response. I think I'm...
Happy Birthday!!
THIS GUY HAS IT ALL FIGURED OUT! Why do people write in response to a video if they don't like it or don't have constructive critisism? Also,...
The smoking one is good, but the other one posted about the annoying kid was the best. If that doesn't reduce teen pregnancies, what will?
This was a great map, I don't think I need to to say much after my last response to it in your post this time. This plays smoothly and is...
This needs to be stickied. This will help alot with creating maps. Thanks dude +rep
Happy Birthday!
I had a big long response, but then it shut down on me and now its gone. Short Version:Like the kicking one NIce screens...
I really like infernov2, it just has that deep hue in it that brings it out.
For being new, this is a great map! I could see having some epic battle rifle battles in here. Somewhat reminds me of, um what's it called, its a...
This thread has no value, please post something like this as a side not to a reply to a thread. Making posts like this is just going to get you...
RUUUUNNN! Is Godzilla! [IMG] Lol, nice asthetic map. I nomally don't like these, but this is a pretty good one. I like how you can walk up the...
I don't care about the risks. If it works, then we'll know if the Big Bang theory is correct or not. And if we do end up dieing, a black hole...
If you do have cancer, (which I hope you don't), I can say that it is definetley the lesser of the cancers, still sucks and it's dangerous, but I...