Is the solution to this map ever going to posted? Some of the puzzles have me stumped and i'd love to see how it's supposed to be done
Again, thanks for the comments guys! thanks for controlling yourself in time XD It's actually a very simple map, not very intricate at all. Like...
Thanks for the endorsement and your testing help. btw what was new? I learned all my tricks here at FH, nothing's new . . .
Wow, thanks for all the comments guys! I posted and then left hoping to come back to a comment or two, but instead I get a whole page full of...
[edit: I guess I broke my screenshots a long time ago when I re-organized my photobucket. Pics work now!] Anathema Created by FattyFatFat Kid...
Wow great find! Just one problem: When I saw this I thought I was going to be able to save a couple of my maps that were incomplete because I...
Wow, sweet map! I especially like all the interlocking you did, so smooth! And those death teleporters to outside the map made me laugh!...
Thanks guys for your feedback, and thanks InferiorPigeon for your endorsement!
Don't know if I'm going to be on, we'll see . . .
Thanks for the feedback guys! Ya, I know about the lack/sloppy interlocking. This was the first map I made before I knew all the tricks I know...
Detainment Created by FattyFatFat Kid, and local friend Eddie I. Supported Gametypes: Anything except Assault, or CTF. 2-8 players max,...
The 18th is a Monday, and if you're testing Tuesday, can't do it. Sorry!
Quick question: I just completed a map that I've been working on for a while. The last few weeks I've been testing it with the help from the...
Finally! As soon as I saw the epic screenshots for this map a while back, I had to download. And it's taken this long to be featured? Should've...
Jpec07: You're suggestions sounded promising because I tend to jamb all my pieces together (making that knocking sound), so I though maybe that's...
Nah, I didn't think so. I guess I'll just deal with it. Thanks for your help! Also, pvilleplayer92: Interesting ideas with the cameras and the...
My problem isn't the initial lining up, it's keeping them lined up after I've saved and quit and then gone back into the game the next day. I can...
Do you brace the sides? I would imagine so because otherwise the box would squirt out one of the sides rather than sink into the floor. Maybe I've...
You should totally put weapons on it! This doesn't really look like a competitive map, definitely a casual map, so you should fill it with crazy...
OMG Toast, this map looks like it rocks! I LOLd so hard when I realized what you made! I LOVED those old scooby chases! This would make an amazing...