I honestly think the whole make it look sterile by using interlocking is crap. I think it is warranted in many places but surely this is not one...
Holy crap that looks cool. I downloading now. Dang man. I will let you know if I find anything weird about it. EDIT: On second thought... It...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmZpUpE3N44 Video is of the previous build of this map but it is very similar. The pictures however are very up to...
The man cannons take a bit to get used to but once you do its just a really fast way to get around. Yay for man cannons.
Took a while to get right but the mancannons sure make this map awesome. Let me know how it plays for you.
Rat Racer Pro This map was designed for racing and watching the race. Excellent jumps and multiple ways to stay on course. Great ability to get...
Superb. Exact of warlock. Thank you. Thank you very very much. One of my most favorite levels ever.
Grifball is famous. Yay for Grifball.
Fav map.
You might want to change the name of the map. It says that its not a name that is supposed to be used on the internets. So it changes it to...
Sweet map.
Looks interesting. I will have to check it out.
I played this map with someone that had it today. It was freaking awesome. I got nailed by a forklift a couple of times.
That was fantastic. What a great concept. I really wish bungie would rotate in some of these kinds of maps on maybe a random game type play list....