i like how the sniper and sword cross
looks really good
pretty strange not in a bad way but strange
those are insanely lucky
pretty funny..
thats pretty amazing 5/5
nice job i like it
you just took the original cops and robbers map and added like 1 thing
you could just dl grifball court and delete spawns its the same thing
pics dont work
looks pretty good looks like a good map for ffa
1/5 dude way to small and basic i geuss it took 5 min
great job i have never seen a map on snowbound before
distorted maps are cool just sometimes they get confusing
the images show nothing u need more pics
not original but well done
wierd i dont think it would be good for shwatball but maybe for grifball
great idea but where would you end up?
good job but now everyone is making fortress maps i have seen so many its not even funny
pretty good but 2 seconds after driving forward on the ghost you are goning to die