i love all of the obstacle 4.5/5
looks pretty basic nice job
woah thats awesome
i cant tell if it good or bad you should put your pics in order and label them
pretty good i like how you get options
thats really good but doesnt look to hard to fall off of
are you trying to piss everyone off you keep posting maps rapid firely that are not to good
im startin to get annoyed with you posting all 300 maps at once
they are pretty easy to knock over but i like it 7/10
not too good but a little better than the vallhala one
2/5 all you did was add vehicles to a vallhala canvas
dude thats so old its not even funny
where did you find the video???? thats hilarious
little over excited
pretty sick
the killtrocity was stolen from espn top ten
first one=bad second one=good
pick a different gun and make him face the opposite way and you are good
pretty good
i like the idea and concept