This is a very well made very fun racetrack that revolves around a kool Tower and there is a freakin waterfall [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
i was gonna but this was myfirst post and i couldnt figure it out
hemmorage kinda sounds like a rocky map and tempest is rocky
thx add me on xbox
really kool map guys looks amazing cant wait to race on it
thx spencer i just want more people to download it so come on guys theres more to come just help me by going out and dl
srry i forgot to change the canvas map, i tried fixing it but couldnt and during all the testing i had no problems with that and neither did...
This is one of mt best maps. it is ver clean and it is very fun to race on. It is compatable with bt but that version has some problems. This...