Hey everyone. I made these a while back and just thought I'd post them to showcase the screenshots and to give some funny sayings! lol EDIT:...
Hey everyone, I just made this out of boredom. Plz give input and tell me what ya think! [IMG] Stock: [IMG]
Rackem and Krazy Kumquat's Beastly Sigs [IMG] Hey everyone. This is a shop run by me and Krazy Kumquat. Check out our work and give us a holla!...
Made for Ix Massacre xxI. Tell me what you think! [IMG] Stock [IMG]
Hey everyone. I just got bored so I made this. No stock, made all from scratch. Tell me what ya think! V1 [IMG] V2(a lil more flashy) [IMG]
Hey all, after a few days of work, I bring you my latest map, Infested! Story: After years of working in a manufacturing factory, you and your...
Hey everyone. I haven't seen really any maps on ghost town (save a few), so I decided I'd break the mold and do something different. This map Is a...
Hey all, I completely redid what I started and I rather like the outcome. tell me watchya think! [IMG] Stock [IMG] Old version(and ugly...
Hey all. This is something i started working on today. Might turn it into something of use :P give input and constructive criticism. V1...
Hey everyone. So I got pretty bored, and decided to make use of some of the pics I took at my symphonies gala last night. Tell me wathcya think!...
Ok, so i bet some people are tired of me updating my map(or not), but I have perfected it, and am proud to present Facility 77 v3. Facility v2...
Hey Forgehub community, I've been working on this infection map for some time, and have recently contracted Forgers block. :P The map is an old...
Hey everyone. By popular demand and to better the map, I bring you v2 of Facility 77. Original post Changes: -Shotty is gone, it is now a mauler...
Hey there all. I was just randomly thinking, and thought I would like to do a remake of Counterstrike's popular map Office on Avalanche. [IMG]...
Hey all! So after going on an extensive hiatus, I am back to present to you my latest map, Facility 77! This is a small team slayer map, or 2v2/...
Hey all, just thought I'd put my skills to work for the benefit of the community. Just holla if you want my services and give me every detail you...
Hey all, I was brainstorming to come up with a new map, and I got an idea. I was thinking of makin an airplane on foundry or avalanche for one...
Hey there everyone. After a long day of work and 2 previous days, I bring to you my latest map, SafeHouse! As a Human you must stay alive as long...
Hey everyone. This is a map I've begun working on for 2 days now. I currently have contracted Forgers block. :P Any suggestions on this map...
Hey everyone. This is a race map I made a while back Simple 8 layout with two curved jumps. enjoy! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...